Blacklist of pharmaceutical companies

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Blacklist of pharmaceutical companies 2024

It is not easy to find anti-ratings for pharmaceutical companies that have earned a bad reputation on review sites. Fraudsters try to clean up negative comments and continue to profit from people who have health problems.

According to World Health Organization estimates, approximately 1/10 of all medications presented either do not provide any benefit or can even be life-threatening. Often, unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies position them as a “panacea” for all health problems (in particular, this applies to homeopathy). They bribe doctors and conduct aggressive advertising on social networks and one-page websites. It’s not for nothing that many consider pharmacology “criminal business №1.” In order not to suffer at the hands of scammers, you need to be extremely careful when choosing medications.

How do unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies deceive?

“Buy health” – this is how you can describe in a nutshell the advertising of dishonest pharmaceutical companies. They guarantee 100% results, forcing naive buyers to accept illusion as reality. Fraudsters release to the market:

  • poor quality or counterfeit medicines;
  • health-improving devices with miraculous effects
  • homeopathy, which can treat absolutely everything – from a common runny nose to the last stage of cancer;
  • nutritional supplements, etc.

Fraudsters are especially productive in the markets of developing countries, where pharmaceuticals remain not only a fast-growing and profitable sector of the economy, but also one of the most criminalized industries. Mistrust of doctors and weak control by regulatory authorities lead to the fact that the blacklist of pharmaceutical companies here is growing rapidly.

How to avoid becoming a victim?

To avoid becoming a victim of “black” pharmacists, we recommend paying attention to:

  • reputation of the pharmaceutical company on the Internet. If the majority of review sites provide negative feedback about the company, it is better to refuse to purchase the product;
  • the company has a legal basis. Manufacturers from the blacklist do not think about obtaining certificates for their products, as well as approval from regulatory authorities specializing in pharmacology, reputable doctors;
  •  web resources where you can find out the latest news about scammers in the pharmaceutical market, look at the blacklist of drugs and irresponsible pharmaceutical companies (caught in deception, selling bad or counterfeit goods in the pharmaceutical market);
  • good websites for doctors. Typically, luminaries of pharmacology share their opinions there regarding medical equipment and drugs (both homeopathy and traditional medicines). They will not write on review sites, but on specialized resources they are willing to discuss with other doctors. You will gain a lot of useful information about pharmacology.

To reduce the risk, it is recommended to purchase medications only in large pharmacies. There you are much less likely to encounter bad products supplied by blacklisted manufacturers. If you decide to place an order online, be sure to check the reviews about the site and the products purchased there. This will avoid many problems.

Follow updates on our site. We monitor the situation and report new scammers in the field of pharmacology. Also on our website you can learn about the promoted “miracle drugs” that have received a negative reputation on review sites. Don’t risk your health and money, listen to trusted doctors and buy only high-quality pharmaceutical medicines!
